Victor Lapetina

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Welcome to my Studio

".. so, what do you do?" when you ask me that, believe me, is hard to explain. With over twenty years of experience in the Visual Communication Industry, doing Comic Art, Cartooning, Illustration, initiated in Sculpture, TV/Video Production, Photography, Radio, Graphic Arts, Graphic Design, Advertising, Animation, and more ...". I still have a lot of things to experiment with"

Welcome to my eclectic studio (under  permanent construction), make yourself at home, enjoy what you like (if something). Thanks for your time.

Victor Lapetina

Victor Lapetina, starts his career as Visual Artist in 1989 working on press media in Argentina.
    In 1990 starts working in broadcasting (Radio and TV) as Creative Producer, Camera Operator, Director assistant, and Director. As a student at Cine & TV School, Victor participate on a number of documentaries projects.
    He tough over twenty courses and workshops including Visual Communication, Comic Art, Video and Traditional Animation, reaching  hundreds of  people of all ages.
    In 2001, he established his Studio in Saint George , Utah, as a Digital Video-Producer. In 2007, he added Digital Photography to his activities.
    In his over twenty years experience, Victor has become in an Integral Artist who has working experience on Advertising, Marketing and Graphic Design, Illustration, and a wide spectrum of Visual Arts.

... entonces, a que se dedica Ud?” cuando me preguntan eso, creame, es dificil de explicar. Con mas de veinte años en la Industria de la Comunicación Visual, trabajando en Historieta, Humor Grafico, Ilustracion, Video Produccion, Fotografia, Radio, Diseño Grafico, Publicidad, Animacion... y todavia hay muchas areas en las que deseo experimentar”

Victor Lapetina

Victor Lapetina

Comenzó su carrera en la industria de la Comunicación Visual en 1989 trabajando como Humorista Grafico en medios masivos. En 1990 incursionó en Radio y Televisión, desempeñándose como Productor Creativo, Guionista, Operador de cámara, Asistente de Dirección, Director y Editor de Video.Ha dictado clases de Comunicación Visual, Historieta, Animación Tradicional y Video.Por sus Talleres y programas especiales han transitado cientos de personas de todas las edades.

En 2001 estableció su estudio de Video Producción en la ciudad de Saint George, Utah, EEUU, desarrollando principalmente videos de entrenamiento. En 2007 incorporó Fotografía Digital.

Con mas de veinte años de experiencia, Victor se ha convertido en un artista integral con experiencia práctica también en las areas de Publicidad y Marketing.

Click the photo below to see my Photography portfolio